The Department of the Air Force launched a search for a site for the new Foreign Military Sales Program Pilot Training Center, and Ebbing Air National Guard Base in Fort Smith, Arkansas was on the final list for the mission.
The Department of the U.S. Air Force began its search for a site to locate a new Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Program Pilot Training Center in 2020. The Secretary of the Air Force set the process in motion to establish the training center and determine the center’s location. According to the U.S. Air Force, the FMS program is a security assistance program that enables the United States to “sell defense equipment, conduct training, and provide services to a foreign country when the president deems that doing so will strengthen U.S. national security and promote world peace.” The base chosen for the mission would also become the new home of the 425th Fighter Squadron, a Republic of Singapore F-16 Fighting Falcon training unit.
Ensuring that Arkansas has an active military presence is a key priority for the Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC). AEDC’s Military Affairs Division is charged with protecting the state’s military bases and missions and working to grow the military’s presence in Arkansas. Ebbing Air National Guard Base in Fort Smith, Arkansas was one of five potential locations that met the requirements for this enduring mission. There were obstacles facing the Ebbing site. Although the runway at Ebbing ANGB met the U.S. Air Force’s standards, there were concerns from foreign military partners that it was too short.
Partners across Arkansas worked as a team to develop a plan to win the FMS mission. The Governor’s Office, congressional delegation, AEDC, the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas Air National Guard, the Arkansas Military Department, the Governor’s Military Affairs Committee, and many others collaborated during the basing process to bring the FMS to Arkansas. During the process, officials with the Royal Singapore Air Force (RSAF) made a site visit to Fort Smith to evaluate Ebbing ANGB. Arkansas officials rolled out the red carpet for the RSAF team during this visit to convince them that Ebbing was the right choice for the mission. The Arkansas team continued to advocate for Ebbing ANGB throughout the selection process, addressing issues at the local, state and national level to ensure that Fort Smith was the top contender for the FMS mission.Results
The Department of the Air Force selected Ebbing ANGB as the preferred location for the training center in 2021. Following this decision, the department conducted an environmental impact analysis to ensure that Ebbing could support the F-16 and F-35 missions. In March 2023, Ebbing ANGB was officially selected as the location for the FMS Pilot Training Center by the Department of the Air Force. This mission will bring approximately 900 military members and their families to the Fort Smith region. The U.S. Air Force anticipates moving approximately 230 personnel to the base, and the Republic of Singapore will have 300 military personnel with 300 dependent families in the region.

Company: Ebbing Air National Guard Base
The Department of the Air Force launched a search for a site for the new Foreign Military Sales Program Pilot Training Center, and Ebbing Air National Guard Base in Fort Smith, Arkansas was on the final list for the mission.