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ArTechJobs Connects Employers and Tech Workers to Fill Technology Jobs in Arkansas

 November 06, 2017

Thanks to Governor Asa Hutchinson’s Computer Science Initiative, Arkansas is the first state to have a website dedicated to connecting jobseekers with technology-driven jobs within industries across the state.

As the number of available tech jobs continues to grow, it’s increasingly important to create a pipeline of talent to fill those jobs. With a goal of creating job opportunities and growing a skilled technology workforce in the state, Governor Hutchinson recently announced the launch of ArTechJobs.com, which will showcase available high-tech jobs across Arkansas.

The website expands opportunities for employers and those seeking high-tech careers in a wide variety of industries including IT, web development and design, database administration, software development, computer network architecture, information security, healthcare and more. 

Business leaders from the largest companies in the world to the smallest startups can benefit from the website. Employers and job seekers can participate at no cost. Companies can create accounts and immediately post open positions. Job seekers can create personal profiles and upload their resumes. They can narrow their job search by full time, freelance, and/or intern positions. Nearly 50 companies are already posting technology jobs on the website, including AT&TTysonWindstreamJ.B. HuntiDatafyTennecoinuvoWalmart, and the State of Arkansas.

The website is part of the Governor’s Computer Science Initiative to increase the number of Arkansans in high-tech fields. Since its creation, the number of high school students participating in computer science courses in the state has increased nearly 400 percent.                                                                    

ARCodeKids, a new Little Rock-based nonprofit organization, and the Information Network of Arkansas (INA) created and developed the website at no expense to the state. ARCodeKids is a 501(c)(3) organization focused on building awareness, expanding student participation and enabling new career pathways in computer science across Arkansas. The INA assists the state in exploring and improving citizen and business access to public information and online services.
