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Arkansas Launches “Make Your Move” Campaign

 October 13, 2020

The Arkansas Economic Development Commission, in partnership with Entergy, the Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas, and OG&E launched a new digital marketing campaign last week called “Make Your Move”.  Our message to business leaders is simple: If you’ve reached your breaking point of frustration due to the heavy-handed mandates that state and local governments are placing on your business, then “Make Your Move” to Arkansas.

With ads like the ones shown below, we’re targeting business leaders in big cities across the United States. All of the ads point to a new landing page we created to help prospective businesses learn more about us with an invitation to connect.

Make Your Move campaign ads

We believe this campaign will resonate well with business owners and executives. As some states proclaim which businesses are essential and which are non-essential, we’ve declared that Arkansas has one category of business: essential. While some states impose mandates on businesses that restrict freedom and limit commerce, we declare that our mandate is business success. Some states are even asking for a federal bailout, but in Arkansas, we have maintained a balanced budget, giving stability and predictability to our citizens and our businesses. 

The success of even the best advertising depends on the quality of the product, and our product, the state of Arkansas, is easy to sell. When it comes to cost of doing business and cost of living, Arkansas is consistently among the nation’s lowest in both categories. Safe, outdoor activities are in abundance in the Natural State, including beautiful lakes, scenic rivers, and award-winning trails for hiking, biking and stunning views. But there’s another quality of Arkansas that’s especially appealing right now: we welcome, support and value business. Arkansas was one of only a few states that never issued a shelter in place mandate. Our businesses have found innovative ways to continue serving customers while keeping employees safe and on the payroll. To be fair, like businesses all over the world, plenty of Arkansas companies have struggled this year, but our unemployment rate has remained well below the national average, because a higher percentage of our population continues to be employed. That means our diverse economy has weathered the economic storm better than most.

Many states claim to be “pro-business,” but in Arkansas, we walk the walk. Governor Asa Hutchinson and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission actively work to recruit businesses to Arkansas, and when a company decides to expand here, we make them feel welcome. Even during the pandemic, businesses have come to Arkansas. Several companies have recently announced expansions in the state, creating thousands of new jobs across a variety of sectors, including supply chain, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. These companies have found the spirit of collaboration in Arkansas between the public and private sectors to be beneficial, and we’re confident that many other companies are searching for a home where they, too, are valued as successful businesses and job creators. 

This year will likely be remembered as one of the most difficult in recent world history. And while Arkansas has not been immune to the hardships of 2020, we want businesses across the nation and around the world to know that we’re ready to help you move here and succeed here. In Arkansas, your success is our success. Make your move.

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Blog post contributed by:

Mike Preston
Secretary of Commerce
Executive Director
Arkansas Economic Development Commission
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