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Arkansas’ principal industries are agriculture, business services, forestry, manufacturing, tourism, and transportation logistics. Additional interesting sectors include aerospace and aviation, biosciences, data, distribution and logistics services, firearms and ammunition, healthcare, paper and timber products, smart grid technologies, software development,  data management services, and steel production.

The startup scene in Arkansas is booming. A strong talent pool, a growing number of incubators and accelerator programs, and available funding and incentives have created a welcoming environment for entrepreneurs of all types.

Arkansas Offers Incentives, Grants and Rebates to Businesses

 December 13, 2017

As a business-friendly state, Arkansas has a lot to offer companies wanting to open, expand or relocate to the state. From cash rebates to community grants, Arkansas business incentives encourage job creation and investment, leading to greater economic stability in Arkansas. 

Arkansas uses a mix of tax refunds, tax credits and payroll rebates to attract and encourage expansion in businesses in Arkansas, including the Tax Back program, Advantage Arkansas, ArkPlus, Create Rebate and the Equity Investment Incentive Program. Investment incentives criteria may include the strength of the company, number of jobs, average wage, project investment and costs associated with facility or site improvements. Job creation incentives are based on new payroll and use the state-established tier system, which can be found as indicated on the map in our downloadable Incentives report

Many exemptions from sales and use taxes are available for qualified businesses. Providing company childcare facilities for employees, purchasing recycling equipment, and replacing or repairing manufacturing machinery and equipment are just a few examples of business activities that may qualify for tax incentives or credits in Arkansas.

In an effort to continually strengthen the state’s workforce, Arkansas provides a state income tax credit to eligible companies for reimbursements they make on behalf of employees for approved educational expenses. There are also a number of credits and incentives to encourage start-ups, research and development, as well as technology-related activities. Other specialized incentives include digital production and film, and tourism development.

Grants are available for qualified facility and site improvements, the transfer and deployment of innovative technology to Arkansas-based enterprises, and applied research between private industry and Arkansas colleges and universities.

Certain targeted industries are eligible for a variety of incentives, as shown in the infographic to the right.

To learn more about the various incentives, grants and rebates available for businesses opening, expanding or relocating in Arkansas, download our Incentives report.

AEDC Incentives MiniReport