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City of Dell  

The City of Dell received Rural Services Block Grant funds to renovate their fire station, also, they were awarded $15,000 to purchase a new pumper truck.

City of Dell Case Study  City of Dell


Northeast Benton County (NEBCO)

NEBCO received $15,000 in Rural Community Grant funds to purchase a new tanker. Also, they were awarded just over $4,000 to buy rescue and stabilization equipment.

Northeast Benton County  NEBCO


Western Greene County Fire District

The Western Greene County Fire District received 15,000 in Rural Community Grant funds to construct a four bay fire station. Also, they were awarded around $4,000 to build new restrooms in their new firehouse.  

Western Greene County  Western Greene County Fire Department


Cave City 

Cave City received around $10,000 in Rural Community Grant funds to purchase and install storm sirens. Cave City also put up $10,000 to complete the project. 

Cave City  Cave Ctiy


City of Oxford

The City of Oxford received around $11,000 in Rural Community Grant funds towards the purchase of new playground equipment for the City Park. 

Oxford City Park  Oxford


City of Provo

The City of Provo received around $1,500 in Rural Community Grant funds towards the purchase of their Community Center pavilion and picnic tables. 

City of Provo


Charleston Middle School

The Charleston School District received around $3,500 in Wildlife Conservation Education Grant funds to help their 6th graders attend the Arkansas Outdoor School. 

Charleston  Charleston Middle School


City of Hatfield

The City of Hatfield received around $6,300 in Rural Community Grant funds to pave two handicapped spaces and a portion of the City Park walking trail. 

Hatfield  Hatfield


Marion County

The Marion County Library received around $4,700 in Rural Community Grant funds towards the purchase of equipment/technology to initiate an outreach program to public and private facilities around the County. Also, they were previously awarded  around $3,800 to renovate the bathrooms to be ADA compliant. 

City of Marion  Electronics in Marion  Marion electronics