Minority and Women-Owned Business Compliance Resources
The State of Arkansas supports equal opportunity as well as economic development in every sector, ensuring that 15% of the total amount expended in state-funded and state-directed public construction programs and in the purchase of goods and services for the state each fiscal year is paid to minority businesses. The percentage breakdown is as listed below:
- Ten percent (10%) for minority business enterprises with two percent (2%) allocated for service-disabled veteran-owned minority business enterprises; and eight percent (8%) for all other minority business enterprises; and
- Five percent (5%) for women-owned business enterprises
Read Act 1080
Find names, phone numbers, and email addresses of Arkansas' Minority Business Officers.
See the list here.
Click here to access the portal.
The Portal is used by state Minority and Women-Owned Business Officers (MWBOs) to report funds expended with Minority and Women-Owned Enterprises (MWBEs) by state agencies and institutions.