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Provides training and consultation and administers the Governor's Quality Award Program.

Any public or privately held organization of any size located in Arkansas may apply.

The Institute uses the seven categories of the Criteria for Performance Excellence as a guideline for training and application to the Governor's Quality Award. They are:

  • Leadership
  • Strategic Planning
  • Workforce Focus
  • Customer Focus
  • Knowledge Management
  • Process Management
  • Results

Consultants can also assist organizations not applying for award in performing self-assessments using the Criteria for Performance Excellence. More information can be found at arkansas-quality.org.

The program utilizes the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria:

  • Annual industry specific training seminars are conducted regionally to assist companies with quality improvement systems
  • AEDC and Arkansas Governor’s Quality Award System has developed a partnership to utilize Baldrige National Quality Award criteria to engage Arkansas Companies in a TQM self assessment system
  • 50% of AEDC’s Existing Business Resource division has completed Quality Examination training and have been involved in GQA examinations

The program partners with the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas Economic Development Commission and Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions to provide additional professional development and quality process improvement training to organizations across the state of Arkansas.